
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Thoughts on Twins

I have gone back and forth over the last three years between saying that twins are double the work of one child and that twins are not that much work. I think it is safe to say, now looking back with all my accumulated three years of wisdom (wink), that it really is a LOT of work to have twins. Definitely more work than just one baby. And I complain about this sometimes - especially when I think about potty training.

However, I have to remind myself of moments like last night. We had just bought our third blowup pool in the last two years. (We don't have good luck with these things. We seem to lose them or lose integral parts like air plugs.) We had a pizza picnic while we waited for it to blow up and fill up with water. It was finally close enough to being done that the kids could get in. They just played in their swim diapers. (Side note: cute toddler tookuses and darling little tan lines were evident throughout this whole event.) They had such a good time with each other. Curt and I were able to sit and watch and smile (he even managed to squeeze in a quick game on his phone). They were telling each other jokes that only the two of them could "get" - and laughing hysterically at each one. They took turns on the slide and giddily splashed and chased each other. It was wonderful to watch.

I am so thankful that my kids have always had a playmate. Even if we had had another baby "close" in age to our first - the little one still probably would only be a year or so old and not able of the kind of playing together that my two kids have always had. Micah is an extrovert (a very shy extrovert if that makes any sense) and greatly desires someone to play with him all the time (and to play his way). She doesn't really need this interaction, but hates seeing her brother sad, so she will frequently go along with her brother's play schemes. They really are great friends. They frequently play with each other on the playground, to the exclusion of any poor stranger child that is looking for a playmate for the day. (They do also play very well with some of their more regular playmates.) I have seen both of them come to the defense of the other when there seems to be a threatening situation on the playground. They love talking and laughing with each other when they are supposed to be sleeping. And I have a feeling that if we ever do have a third bedroom....the two of them will not be nearly as happy about it as I will be.

P.S. I was tempted to not really waste a swim diaper on last night's playtime. However, I was reminded of this picture from last night and decided it was worth it....

1 comment:

  1. OK, I am catching up on blogs and am just now seeing this. Michael and I are both having a really great laugh at this picture :)
