
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Things I love about Jocelyn - 7 months

Dear Jocelyn,

You are over 7 months old now. This letter will be a little different than the past ones, but I wanted to make sure and write it. Something you will learn about mama is that I have a certain way that I expect things to be done - especially things that I am doing. And, although I'm working on this, if I can't accomplish these things in just that exact way, I sometimes will feel overwhelmed and frustrated and just won't do them. I kept putting off this letter until just the perfect time to write it so I could record every little thing and every perfect picture. That time isn't coming this month. I am choosing to trust that you will still appreciate the sentiments in this letter, even if it isn't as factual (you might even like it more...who knows!?) I thought I would make a couple of lists. So here goes....

Things I love about you, my 7 month old baby girl
  • The way holding you is like a giant hug. Especially when I wear you in the Ergo, I absolutely love the way your body curves around mine and it is literally like wearing a hug. You seem to like it too, often snuggling in for the ride or even a nap. I love being close to you.
  • The way you are liking your pink bunny more and more. Sometimes at nap time, you will move the bunny over your head to cover your eyes, stick your fingers in your mouth, and conk out. This bunny was mine when I was a little girl. I had given it to Mackenna, but she never loved it. She happily passed it on to you. I really do hope it becomes a favorite of yours.
  • The way you will lean out to me when you are being held by someone else. Not sure if your daddy loves this or not, but you really do get excited to see me and will lean closer to me hoping that I will take you into  my arms.
  • This goes with the last one, but I also love that your entire face lights up when I entire the room. A definite ego boost!
  • I also love the way you gained weight! The doctor was a little concerned after your six month check up, so he had you come back in this month. All that middle of the night eating paid off and you gained plenty of weight. Thanks!
  • I love that you are still non-mobile. I have a feeling this will be the last monthly letter that I can say that in.
  • I love that you are getting more hair - and it is so blonde and adorable :)  Your bald spot on the back is pretty much gone!
  • I do love the way you suck your middle two fingers. It is your trademark and it is adorable.
  • And I can't not mention your "international sign for tired" - putting your right arm over your eyes while you suck your left fingers is absolutely adorable and totally you.


Things you did this month
  • Ate solid food for the first time - avacado and bananas mixed. You actually ate quite a bit of it. However, we have only been successful at this once.
  • You figured out how to scoot backwards when you are on your belly.
  • You made some trips to the beach, usually being willing to fall asleep in the Ergo for your morning nap. You are super flexible - especially if it means getting held by mommy. You also stuck your feet in the ocean for the first time. You actually liked it for awhile - you are full of surprises and differences from your siblings.
  • You took a major leap forward in regards to your love of toys. You totally interact with them now, whether it is your "o ball" you got for Easter or Sophie the Giraffe or Freddie the Firefly. You are happier if you have toys.
  • Developed an even greater obsession for the cat. They might be your favorites, second only to me.
  • You have started to show an angry side, especially in this situation - when you are playing with toys and starting to get frustrated, you will fuss a little bit. If one of us comes close to you to say hi, but then walks through the room without picking you up, you totally ramp up your screaming as if you are saying, "I know you didn't."
First taste of Avacado and Banana





First Touch of the Ocean




Your routine, just so I don't forget
  • Get up between 7 and 8, nurse, play on your floor blanket with toys. Mommy tries to keep Micah and Mackenna out of your face too much. You like them, just in small doses and sometimes from a distance. Mommy also tries to keep you from seeing the TV too much during M&M's morning shows.
  • Go back down for a nap between 9 and 10 - still in the bathroom, or as we like to call it "Jocelyn's room."
  • Get up sometime before noon, nurse, play again (if we are home)
  • Nurse again before your afternoon nap, sometime around 2. Hopefully sleep until 4 or after. Nurse when you wake up, hang out with the family for awhile. 
  • Get cranky when it gets close to bedtime - try to push you off until 7:30 or so. Nurse and put you down - half swaddled, sound machine on, in your bathroom bed. 
  • This month, you woke up to eat a LOT - typically around 11 and 3, and sometimes also 6. Don't worry, I still love you.

I am so happy to be your mama. 




Looking at Siblings




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