
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

34 week BabyBaugh update - and 35 week thoughts

(I am over 35 weeks now, but this post/email was written a week ago.)
I went to the OB yesterday, for my 34 week checkup. My midwife confirmed by feeling around what I have felt pretty confident about this whole time, the baby is lying transverse (across) my abdomen. Her head is probably a little higher than her feet - her head on my right side and her feet on my left (slightly diagonal, mostly transverse). I have thought this to be the case, but I know that babies can turn and I figured I had 6 weeks or so before this became an issue. Turns out that the manual turning process (from which, the best I can tell, is called an external cephalic version or just a "version") is usually done at 36 weeks. She just kind of of casually mentioned it at this visit, and I was so caught off guard that I really didn't get to ask any questions. From what I can tell, this is a somewhat serious procedure. It is done at the hospital, because there is a risk of needing an immediate c-section (if the baby's heart rate doesn't recover from the procedure or the cord wraps around her neck) or breaking my water and sending me into labor. That is why they wait until 36 weeks to do it, but the closer to 36 weeks the better (again, from what I know), because the bigger the baby or the less fluid they have, the harder it is to make happen. The baby is monitored via heart monitor and ultrasound during the procedure. It is quite painful for me to go through also.

So here are some prayer requests - 
- That baby girl would turn on her own between now and my next visit, Monday the 29th (a couple of things I read last night mention that the closer we get to 36 weeks, the less chance that a transverse baby can turn on their own. Breech is one thing, transverse is even more difficult. Also, breech can be attempted to deliver - although doctors here don't do it – but transverse can absolutely not fit through the birth canal.)
- I don't really know how this practice handles this procedure - when they do it, what meds they administer, when they would schedule it, what they do if it doesn't work, who does it, etc - I would like to get some of those questions answered before my next visit, over the phone I guess, please pray that they get back with me and answer my questions
- That I could avoid a c-section if at all possible, and that I wouldn't panic about a c-section and the possible complications if that is what it comes to
- That I would have victory over the thoughts that are swirling around in my head

Update today:
Here is what I know so far. I was able to call the OB office last week, and my midwife does call me back. She told me that at 36 weeks, the Dr./midwife will confirm the baby's position by feeling and then possible ultrasound, and we'll talk about our options. If she is still transverse and we go with a version, they will schedule it for sometime that week. It would be done on the labor and delivery floor at the hospital. They will give me a muscle relaxer (not really for pain, but I think more for the success of the procedure and for preventing contractions) and they will monitor the baby for heart rate and via ultrasound. A doctor would do the procedure (assisted by someone, I assume). They would also monitor us for about an hour afterwards. I asked about rescheduling my next visit for a doctor, since that is who would do the procedure and the potential eventual c-section, and she said it wasn't necessary, but it is still what I have done. I go next Monday  morning for my 36 week visit.

As far as the baby goes, I am feeling some new and different movements. I am feeling some things lower and higher that I haven't felt up to this point. Also, her hiccups seem to be in a different location. She may be moving. Our prayers are potentially already taking care of this issue :)  Who knows though. I really won't be surprised next Monday if I find out she is still transverse, if she has turned breech, or if she is head down...I just don't know.

Many people have suggested seeing a chiropractor for the Webster technique. I am somewhat looking into this, but haven't made up my mind yet. I have asked some ladies in my nursing moms group if any of them have had experiences with versions, particularly at my practice, and I have gotten some good and helpful feedback from some. I also am going to call and talk to one on Thursday afternoon.

The Lord brought someone across my path last Wednesday night, and it just kind of randomly came up that she went to my practice and had a successful c-section with her most recent baby. That was really encouraging to hear. I am not panicked about the potential at this point.

Thanks for your prayers.

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