
Sunday, October 16, 2011

"The best part of the day....

The part where you and me become we." - Winnie the Pooh

***That quote has nothing to do with this post; I just liked it. Although, I guess in many ways, these quotes and these kiddos, and this "we" stuff, is the best part of my day too. Winnie was right.***

Here are some quotes from the past few days...

Micah, during dinner: "I can't eat because I kind of...(I expected to hear that he was tired, or that he didn't like it)...because I want some cake."

Christa: Mackenna, come sit on the couch with me, and I'll read.
Mackenna: There isn't room.
Christa: Oh, there is tons of room, we have small bottoms.
Mackenna: But you have a big bottom.

(if you know my lovely sister, you know this is NOT true.)

Mackenna: Why isn't Jocelyn happy?
Curt: I don't know.
Mackenna: Because she wants cake.

Micah: I'm going to go poopy and then play princesses. (Think he has sisters?)

Mackenna: Daddy, I love you. I’m going to marry you.
Dad: I love you too, but you’ll marry someone else some day.
Mackenna: Micah?
Dad: No not your brother. Someone else.
Mackenna: Who?
Micah, joining the conversation: Boys don’t get married.
Dad: I’m a boy, and I got married.
Micah: I’m not.
Mackenna, bringing the focus back: But who am I gonna marry?!?
Dad: Let’s not worry about that right now.
Mackenna: Ooooh (sad sigh)

Micah (to me): Will you take your toothbrush out of your mouth so I can hear you?

Micah (while I was on the phone): Can we clean up?
Me (to Christa): haha, Micah is asking to clean.
Micah: No, not clean the whole house, just that room, so I can play trains.

Micah (to me): We are big and bigger, but not like you are big and bigger.

(Sorry for the redundancy of these prayer posts. Some of her prayers are the same, but the different things that she throws in are just so precious.)

Mackenna's prayer at dinner last night: "Thank you that mommy has a baby. Thank you for my new camera. Thank you that daddy is here. Thank you that everyone is here. Thank you for my princess dress. Thank you for all my stuff."

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