
Friday, October 7, 2011

Jocelyn - Two Weeks

Here is what I know about Jocelyn after being her mama for two weeks -
  • She doesn't like her swing.
  • She eats every 2 - 3 hours. Although I know that babies can be fully happy and healthy nursing only on one side (I have raised two of them), she does seem happier if she eats from both sides. Convincing her of this is sometimes a challenge. It isn't a matter of keeping her awake; I/we usually change her diaper in between sides to accomplish that. She will be wide awake, rooting like crazy, act like she is going to latch on, and then spit me out, turn up her nose, and close her mouth in disinterest. She will then want to eat again in anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour and a half.
  • She usually has a period in the night where she doesn't want to go back to bed after nursing. She is content during this period if she is held or if the light is on, but no so much in bed. Sometimes this is after the last night feeding (4,5,or 6ish). Sometimes this is after the first night feeding (10,11,12ish). I would prefer it be after the first one. Starting the night sleeping in the chair is so much better than ending a night losing what little amount of sleep you were hoping to have left.
  • She hasn't stretched out her night sleep at all yet. She gave me close to 4 hours once, but usually it is still the 2.5 to 3 hours that we have during the day.
  • She likes to be on the go. She is perfectly content in the car (except when we were leaving the doctor and she sensed that mama was going to have the opportunity to go through the Starbucks drive thru. She then decided to prevent this by screaming). She loves going to the park (having older siblings helps you get park experience from a young age). So far she has been so content on outings that I haven't even had to change her diaper in a public location.
  • She is confused about how to be happy and awake at the same time. She would prefer to stay in the new newborn stage of just sleep, eat, and poop - those are the things she likes. She senses that she is growing up and changing, and she is confused about this. She knows she is supposed to be awake mroe, but she doesn't know what to do with her time when she is awake, so she cries. And her mama doesn't really know what to do to make a little baby happy and awake. All the things that I know to do for sad babies just put them to sleep.
  • She is really patient with being "petted" on the head by her siblings. She has even been poked in the eye, and she gets random body parts kissed on a frequent basis. She puts up with this with great grace.
  • She did successfully suck her thumb when she was a week old. Genetic?
  • She really is a sweet little booger. I don't have her figured out yet, at all. I know things she doesn't like. Hopefully soon I will learn things she does like. And hopefully they will be things that I like also.

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