
Sunday, October 2, 2011

This has been a different experience

I can't lie. This 2nd/3rd baby thing has been very different from my first experience. Not sure if it is the twin/single thing or just the 2nd time around thing, but I really like it. Here is a little of what comes to mind about what I mean...

I am willing to feed her for as long as she would like to hang out there. If she gets a little distracted, tired, or disinterested, we just take a break and cuddle for a bit and then try again. If this had been the twins, I would have taken those signs as "I'm done," and would have passed off the first twin to daddy so that I could feed the second. I do think she is getting more food this way, although I still maintain that the twins were getting a perfectly adequate amount!

I am loving the snuggles, even more so than with the twins. I know now that it goes so fast, that she won't always want to snuggle. I knew that last time, but this time I really know it. I also even more love just getting to sit and chill and snuggle, knowing that I'm doing exactly what I should be doing at that moment, not having to discipline or correct her, just give her love. That will change, and that will be okay, but this is really great.

Home isn't quiet anymore. I can't always sleep when she sleeps. My older two lovies are full of energy and needs; I am still their mom. I think about Curt and I's time just hanging out with our two brand new babies, and it is very different this time. I think that is part of the reason that I do love the after bed until late night feeding time slot. It is quiet and peaceful and reminds me of those "easier" days with just two babies!

Instead of getting kind of panicky, I get really excited about the idea of being home with just the baby. It feels like a cakewalk. I can take care of just a baby. We can snuggle, she can eat, I can change her...all doable things. Especially when you aren't combining it with potty accidents, fits, stories to read, trucks to play, etc.

I know that this baby stage and feeding all night will pass. I'm less frustrated with her when she wakes to eat at night. I'm still tired, sure, but I know that it will be over one day. She will sleep. I will sleep. We all will sleep again someday.

She is my third baby. I am so blessed.

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